In addition to multiple pilot studies, our work is currently concentrated in an ultrasound outreach program in Peru with plans to expand to other countries in Central and South America. 

The Volume Scan Imaging (VSI) protocols were initially designed in 2007, with clinical validation studies performed in Belize in 2008 and in Uganda in 2010 and 2011.  MIMAs was launched in 2016 to serve low-resourced areas in Central and South America.

At this point, much of our work focuses on training personnel to assist with implementation in rural clinics.  Although the training can be completed in a matter of 3-4 days, there are specific aspects to the protocol that must be followed carefully in order to assure that the studies are of diagnostic quality. Follow-up and QA protocols are in place to validate the quality of the images submitted. 

Because slices are obtained every 1-2 mm, in multiple directions, through the organs(s) of interest, interpreting physicians have access to more images of pathology than traditional ultrasound.  Working with one of our partners, Medical Innovation & Technology, we are using an integrated system for capture, transmission, storage, review, and reporting.  This streamlines the acquisition and interpretation process, minimizing technical errors and variability between operators and interpreters. 

Are you interested in volunteering with MIMAs?  Please complete the form below and we will be in touch with you.